Want to learn how to swim? Want your child to learn how to swim? Here's a few basic pointers.
Basically, to move around in the water you just have to get your legs and your arms in sync with either. Thrashing around in a panic certainly doesn't help!
First you have to get the feel of water's buoyancy. Try floating on your back, even if you're holding onto the walls of the pool while you do so. Stretch out and spread your arms and legs; curling up into a ball and trying to float is much harder!

Kicking is an important part of swimming. To develop the kicking action, try using a kickboard. It's great for beginners to learn how to swim without throwing in the arm movements yet, and it's great for competitive swimmers to strengthen their kicking.
Once you have kicking down, try adding in the arm movements, even if it's as simple as the classic "doggie paddle". If you are teaching a child to swim, support him around his waist and show him how to move his arms, but make sure he keeps on kicking!